SANA Class Descriptions & Regulations
SANA'S PRIMARY GOAL is conservation through education. Our competition component was created to help conserve endangered historic breeds of equines by encouraging breeders to retain traditional type, movement, and the inner qualities that historical usage has honed for untold generations.
Unlike mainstream competitions and with few exceptions, SANA focuses solely on the ponies and horses - not the rider, not the driver, not the handler or the trainer. Fashion trends, sales markets, and politics hold no sway at SANA.
Judges are free to dialog at any time with any exhibitor regarding the entry. The feedback exchange is an important factor of our educational competition. Judges may make public comments following the conclusion of the class to further enhance the learning experience.
SANA is designed not to judge: grooming, non-genetic blemishes, tack, equipment, attire, or showmanship. SANA does not encourage the One-Size-Fits all that open discipline sports tend to reward. We wish to Celebrate the Differences encouraging the nurturing of each breed's unique traits.
Every entry in a breed class is judged against its respective breed standard, not the other entries, for traditional traits and good conformation.
SANA is looking for traditional type and movement foremost. Correct conformation is a close second, not first - because type is more important than some conformation faults.
Entries with perfect conformation but lacking in traditional type or movement may be nice looking animals, but they are poor examples of their breed. Entries with excellent type and movement but needing improvement in conformation are still worthy members of an endangered breed gene pool where average animals are just as important as excellent quality ones to protect healthy genetic diversity.
Unlike livestock that was developed for consumption or for its by-products, equines were traditionally developed for a variety of services rendered. We therefore fully recognize some breeds may have more than one traditional "type". We have chosen judges with that in mind. Any "modern" types are considered "less desirable" in SANA classes and will be judged accordingly.
TEMPERAMENT is often hard to gauge in a competition setting, however, judges will look for signs of good temperaments or displays of unruly or poor behavior. Entries are expected to be under the exhibitor's control at all times.
All SANA classes should be viewed as an educational tool to aid in the conservation of your respective breeds. The fact that we have prizes is simply icing on the cake. Also remember entries are being judged by one or two people in an all too brief amount of time. Therefore SANA placements should be viewed as:
(1) an aid to learning and
(2) opinions of the day, not a crown or life sentence.
Bottom line - We are looking to identify the best representatives presented that day that show traditional type and movement - the ones most likely to carry forward the genes needed to preserve the historically unique traits of their respective breeds.
The endangered breeds cannot stand the tide of today's modern format without some counter measures. One size does NOT fit all. We wish to Celebrate the Differences. We hope our format will be the beginnings of a new trend that others will shamelessly copy to aid these breeds.