Extinction is forever ™ . . .
( Akhal-Teke mares in Russia - © Tito Pontecorvo )
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"Most people have no idea that so many historic horse, pony and donkey breeds teeter on the brink of extinction. North America has viable, yet struggling breeding populations of over 25 different such breeds. Some are foreign and some are pure American. The Equus Survival Trust is on a mission to help."
"Sheer numbers will not save the integrity of our endangered breeds. It requires sound breeding practices and good stewardship."
- Good Stewardship means cultivating breeders with long term goals and building network relationships with others, thinking beyond their own stock to the national or global benefit of the herd.
- Good Stewardship means developing appropriate markets that are best suited for conserving and promoting endangered equines as they have been, not in choosing markets that glean the most money or fastest sales in the shortest time.
- Good Stewardship means retaining the inner and outer qualities of the breed that make it unique. That means resisting any "improvement" of a breed that would result in the loss of original type or working abilities.
- Good Stewardship means maintaining registry reciprocation with the mother country and/or foreign and domestic stud books; this is crucial to avoid fragmentation in regional and global gene pools.
"We invite you to browse our site and learn about the various breeds. Find out how each is unique, how these breeds are anything but museum pieces, and why they are endangered. Most importantly, learn how you might become involved as an owner, a future breeder, a volunteer or a financial supporter of some of the rarest equines in the world."
Victoria Tollman, Executive Director
Equus Survival Trust
Mission Statement
The Equus Survival Trust is an educational non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the traditional traits and the genetic diversity and purity of historical equine breeds (horses, ponies and donkeys) threatened with extinction. The Trust supports these breeds by engaging in collective conservation efforts, educational promotions, and by supporting the network of endangered breed equine associations, and enthusiasts around the globe, with special emphasis on North America and breeds unique to North America.
( IRS 501(c)(3) Approval )Vision Statement
The Equus Survival Trust's main purpose is providing grassroots conservation, education, and support for breeds on our Equine Conservation List: (1) By creating or compiling new and existing public resources, and by organizing and/or supporting exhibitions, clinics , lectures, workshops, and competitions that enhance endangered breed conservation and preservation. (2) By focusing on supporting or creating conservation markets that enhance the survival of endangered equines while retaining the traditional inner and outer characteristics of these breeds. (3) By maintaining an aggressive presence in the public eye, particularly in publications and on the internet.